Good morning! Jumping in for a quick heads up that that our TV show, Best House on the Block, is airing on HGTV this morning, Tuesday December 11th at
11:30 AM EST & PST | 10:30 C | 9:30 MTN.
{the kitchen reveal from our first episode- I’ll be sharing the before & after soon!! Photo by Helen Norman}
For those of you who aren’t home during the day, we plan to do an Instagram live this evening around 8:40 and do a little virtual “watch party” for the
show and we can all hit “play” at 9 PM. So be sure to DVR it!! The previous episodes are available on demand & on DIY website streaming
for those that get the DIY channel.
For now, here’s a ridiculous “trailer” Dave made that we’ve been having way too much fun with:
We hope you love the show!!!
Very nice!
Not sure what’s wrong with your “newsletter set-up” (sorry, I’m not a coder) but this arrived in my inbox today- a week too late. It’s actually been wonky for a couple of years now.
when are we going to see your whole season??? I can’t believe it missed this. tired
of love it or list it, over and over again. I want to see your show.
I just got this January 11. I checked our cable guide and saw two shows on demand which I watched. I love this show! I hope it will be available on a regular channel soon here so I can set my DVR. It is great quality and something relatable to the average person.
One the best way to Meet Russian Women
Posted by rw_man under us Men, setting, absolute wonder Sexiness, tradition Beliefs, frequent, name, unusual Men, euro Women, Why russian Women?In a number of my previous posts I stressed the value of developing your social network in Russia and the FSU in order to find yourself a True Lady.
Although introduction agencies are not my recommended option I still understand that many men will still go this route in order to get started.
However I believe there is a much better and safer method to roll into this without encountering any of many scams that unfortunately exists in this realm.
There are literally a large number of Russian, Ukrainian and Eastern Europeans already living in the western world. And some folks have immigrated recently or still have close ties back with their motherland.
These people are an incredibly rich source of information and possible contacts you will need not ignore.
Do your best to socialize with these people and if an opportunity occurs during the conversation don be afraid to be honest about your intentions towards finding a traditional wife.
If you tell them that you would really appreciate any assistance they can give you in your goal towards creating a happy family they might possibly feel very proud that you asked them.
If they like you then they will enjoy playing the matchmaker role since many of them have a single lady friend or relative back home that is looking to get a serious man to have relations with.
This is the absolute best way to get started because you are initiating your social network throughout your home country and expanding out from there.
These immigrants can help you establish the all important in their country that you will need to get yourself launched.
Many cities in the US and the West have Russian clubs or community centers that you must explore.
Make sure you don forget any Russian or Ukrainian Orthodox churches in your community since many of the services are still done in their native language and they’ll be a real magnet for immigrants and traditionally minded folks too.
Keep in mind that everything you learn in this blog is going to apply to these people since your sincerity and generosity are quietly tested before you earn enough confidence in these people’s minds to help you.
Treat these people the way you would want to be treated if they were asking you to do the same as well.
Offer to take them to lunch or to meet in a cafe where you can better tell your story and convey what it is you want but more importantly listen to their advice and earn their trust.
Remember that you have six degrees of separation in this world between any 2 random people.
So if your first contacts don know of anyone right away then I would bet that they know someone who knows someone.
In any case this is the best way forward I can give you for starting out along this path.
It is certainly more personal and effective then just trying to introduce yourself point blank to a completely unknown person online without a reference.
Make sure you don let any market slip by.
Because even if you are just meeting Russian or FSU folks in public don be afraid to ask for their email or number in order to stay in touch with them.
I’m sure they’ll have some valuable knowledge that will help to put you on your way.
Don worry about learning Russian over the basic public gratitudes that you’ll want on a trip over. I figure out how to say hello, say thanks a lot, Your encourage, pardon me, And a few other basic contracts and here I am in Siberia doing just fine. Even away from Moscow you can walk up to a younger girl and they’ll know basic english. I have had to do this a few times now when I not with my interpreter and have not had to ask too many girls before I get a response.
As a point in fact butchering Russian is a great source of entertainment when out and is a good way to fill dead time date a russian woman online if you are stuck without anything to say. Learning how to sound out the alphabet also helped me, Not with saying certainly not I can sound more things out wrong and keep everyone entertained.
So appropriate, So very true. I find the sex appeal drops off dramatically for me as soon as the competitiveness increases. Ya see walking outside in a summer dress, Head held high and a belief in their step and it all looks so darn good. But then you have coffee or a drink using them and the me, Me starts dropping out. A sense of entitlement is their platform and their message is out of my way by and large, I love a woman who knows where she wants to be in life and carries herself with judgment and dignity, But when NA women open their mouths there’s pours out except what they deserve and how they don need anybody to get it, I just want to puke. How can they help but be jealous right after add nothing useful to the mix. Jealousy is a predictable respond to not getting something they want while seeing others enjoying it. despite the fact that the others are merely enjoying the fruits of their own effort rather than demanding it be handed to them free of charge.
The full extent of the plight of NA women will be realized in the coming years when they wake up to find themselves old and alone, surplus and unloved. Which is pretty much as it should be in my opinion.
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You don have to look very hard for the determinism in Dan Slater Love in the Time of formulas. It right in the subtitle: treatments Does to Meeting and Mating. This follows in the tech pundit culture of book titles like Clay Shirky Cognitive Surplus: How technologies Makes Consumers Into Collaborators and Kevin Kelly What expertise Wants, Titles which grant anthropomorphic agency to machinery, Taking us all off the hook for what it has happen. Readers of these books are absolved of having to do anything especially to address the way technology is developing; They let us kick back and fantasize about how much our lives are going to change while we make no effort to change much else. They let us have our track record quo and eat it too.
That not to imply determinism in general is wrong, As a liberal humanist zealot might need it. But it does run against our casual faith in potential client sovereignty, the belief that our market choices have the power to confer uniqueness upon us. It can seem unproductive, Almost suspect, to point out in a book meant for the mainstream that technology constrains our autonomy and shapes our possible actions. continuing, You don have to be L to recognize that and mating are socially organized and that what we find desirable is conditioned by culture. Slater, A former Wall Street Journal reporter and current FastCompany factor, Repackages those banal truisms as vaguely alarming yet exciting breakthroughs. Means of connection are terrifying the old paradigm of adult life, He shares knowledge, And much of the book is given over to the titillating all the possibilites for the new adulthood. When online daters track down this cornucopia of flesh, They restarted inhibition and commit to serial novelty. This echoes the situation made by sociologist Eva Illouz in Cold Intimacies: Dating features to the realm of romantic encounters the principles of mass consumption based on an economy of abundance, unending choice, effectivity, rationalization, Selective targeting, or stcombined withardization. With usage of such a market only as far away as our phone, How can we resist our inherent urge to spend money? Will romantic love hold up in a specific marketplace of abundance? Slater demands ominously.
this speculation as many commentators pointed out after Love in the Time of Algorithms was excerpted in The Atlantic, Doesn hold up especially well against recent marriage and divorce statistics lets readers vicariously enjoy the imagined satisfactions of being on the market for sex without needing to undergo the actual misery and alienation of it. And as a bonus, We get to feel morally superior while we fret precisely how hyper daters are endangering our sacrosanct romantic values: We not like any of Slater dubious cast of heroes, Who have turned scouting around for love into a shopping spree.
Though by consumerist belief, Nothing could be more fun than a shopping spree. That ideology is why the end of monogamy logic seem plausible. intense stories about dating, simple fact that, could be a purely solitary affair, With no contingencies to impede the great.
The mission of online dating service CEOs like Sam Yagan of OkCupid and Markus Frind of Plenty of Fish is to convince us that actual dating can and should be more like enjoying a good story; It is amusement consumption, An individual pursuit that takes advantage of the way technology has improved on demand commerce. Just as CafePress can sell you a specialized T Shirt, Why shouldn OKCupid aspire to sell you a individualized partner? Why not shop for a date any time you caught in a checkout line or in traffic?
Dating companies would like us to accept that soul mate serendipity was just a myth, A rationalization fomented by restricted supply that has brainwashed us into thinking we must find one since we won get much more. In the smarter dating future, Serendipity will be supplanted by efficient blocking and raw volume, Quality will be trumped by selection. in spite of everything, Shopping for dates is not especially more advanced than shopping for sweaters, And both can be more efficient. readily available, Rationalized marketplace of bonds: This was the big game changing difference between online dating and other forms of relationship intermediation, Slater hints. As Illouz argues, With online dating, Relations are organized within the market, But have themselves become products produced on an assembly line to be consumed fast, effortlessly, with very little expense, And in great having more than enough. a little more, great deal, more and more! just how do you like it? how should you like it?
Given his business reporter background, Slater seems handy talking to executives and sketching business models than attempting sociological analysis. He tends to take the professionals at their word, Accepting as common sense that dating is a marketplace ruled by supply and demand curves, predilections, The rationalized quest for maximized utility, And in prospects partners. applying CEOs as his primary guides, Slater gives readers a lesson in bicycles of freedom: a long time ago, a synthetic scarcity of sex partners due to a dating market overregulated by tradition, social shame, And familial interference kept us from having the most sex with people. Would always be the irrefragable regulatory device that along with religion and moral dogma would keep the youth in line with certain expectations, Slater notes. While Slater emphasizes that in the first place, Dating involved more dates, Not smarter dates, The industry origins also reflect how determined singles can be in expecting to find stable relationships and marriageable partners in the face of marketized relations and hegemonic consumerism. a couple of clients, online dating services were not an expression of the free love revolution but part of a backlash against it. These users wanted the normal path of courtship and the monogamous relationship that modern life in general was compromising. Some dating services catered primarily to this group, Selling help for the desperately heteronormative and promising better matches than were available in everyday life, Which had seemingly become too atomized and fragmented to supply potential longterm mates the dated way. But this method doesn scale: the higher the pool of users, The more it evokes the anomie that this specific dating site user wants to escape.
in the past, retailers have thrived on artificial scarcity, Even if the tendency of it as a whole may be to arbitrage away such advantages. Perhaps the most conspicuous example of artificial scarcity importance is the desperate scramble to preserve intelligent property rights over readily duplicable products. in a sense, Social mores and thinking about female purity worked as DRM for dating, constraining supply to protect intimacy value.
and digitization has disrupted the culture industries, So will it disrupt determining on demand relationships, The international dating CEOs believe. this makes their ad space more valuable and targetable and gives them product to sell to Big Data. although, As Slater ideas, The sites know that matching would be daters by profile compatibility isn especially effective, They continue to tout its potential so they are able gather more data.
Comprehensive personality profiles may not be useful for finding a simpatico lover, But advertisers still fervently believe they can guide products you can love. Of a considerable amount of Fish, Slater blogs, So many people providing so much information, all sorts of advertisers, From book editors to tobacco addiction remedies, Loved the ability for targeted marketing. The sites also deploy liberal quantities of gamification as bait for users, giving them, for example, Additional access or nominal rewards in return for answering intrusive personal questions or rating dates. this makes plain that dating site users are not clients so much as workers who produce themselves and others as indexable data. Some entrepreneurs dream of taking this to its logical conclusion with frictionless dating services, For which users would allow information to be collected software from their phones.
Given anticipated value of our personal data, The sites have every incentive to stop you from finding a steady partner so you will keep feeding them information. Slater concedes that running degrees, The dating companies appeased daters. But they also spend their days focused on making the most of nonromantic metrics, Such as acquisition, rates of interest, And cherish. Justin Parfitt, A entrepreneur Slater quotes, Uses less euphemistic terminology: wondering, Keep this fucker finding its way back, And let not value whether he successful. Dating is just a specialized subset of the market for facilitating introductions. Social discovery denotes a kind of commodified serendipity that emphasizes the joy of users perpetually meeting people on the basis of several ever shifting interests that is, Opportunistically consuming them therefore to their novelty.
For the dating expertise to thrive, We all need to read to want to date forever, Which seems a more tolerable idea if it called instead. This mirrors the move in online social networking, within Friendster, Which was explicitly meant for dating, To facebook, Which is famously for whatever, company more than stay logged in.
With Facebook guide of Graph Search, Social breakthrough and social networking converge. an internet search engine for Facebook proprietary data trove and a boon to stalkers and other agents of lateral surveillance, Graph lookup, among other things, Lets users query specific hobbies and interests and see which people listed as share them. Users queries to Graph Search will permit Facebook to collect another layer of associative data to enrich the value of what they have, discovering new ways to group users for marketers.
Though sometimes claims are made for its increased Graph sort of social search is not much of a rival for impersonal yahoo and google, Which draw from a much bigger database to address common queries. as a substitute, Social search is meant to be pleasurable on its own, For specific to it sake, an expression of undiluted curiosity. Technology is changing and mating not by changing our values but by driving specific business owner opportunities that can be neglected. As far as capitalism is concerned, This is the purpose of technology: To make home based business models possible and improve the efficiency of markets. the long view, Slater remarks in his finish, That inhibits efficiency may well lose out. What product wants, If you believe in tech entrepreneurs vision of the world, Is to better match clientele to allow more exchanges, a lot quicker. significantly more, other, significantly more! Any healing to human flourishing is incidental.
But efficiency is a law only regarding capitalist competition; It doesn inherently govern human desire, And it in no way technology inescapable telos. The point of life is not simply to get more jobs done, without exceptions Lifehacker says. Slater himself notes that technology is But businesses he profiles aren They must eradicate competitors and sustain profitability, Open untouched markets and dominate them. Otherwise they are sacrificed on the altar of creative destruction. Consumer behavior is not dependant on technology, But business enterprise and behavior may be.
When scientific research permits new areas of human life to be commodified and subsumed, business owners and CEOs have no choice but to try to drag human behavior in afro romance review their direction. Here the place ideology really gets cranked up, And complex determinism is used as a cudgel to beat the recalcitrant into compliance. Should be revised to conform with the behaviour enabled by technology, Slater concludes from his many negotiations with dating company CEOs, Which unearthed such feedback as these: Of the rest of society is willing to date for lots of reasons besides dating into bonds into permanence, tells me Noel Biederman, boss of Ashley Madison, A site for married people looking to cheat. a business owner, Part of my responsibilities to society is to help it evolve, The way an artist does. Greg Blatt, currently the CEO of IAC/InterActive Corp, the parent company of Match and OkCupid, tells Slater, Can say dating foreign girls is simply changing people ideas about whether commitment itself is a life value.
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