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Nasturtium Salad

Lauren Liess' Nasturtium Salad
This salad is as beautiful as it is delicious, with nasturtium blossoms and dandelion leaves from the yard.  It’s a great way to ease kids into eating more healthy, bitter greens like dandelion leaves as the onion cuts the bitterness and the flowers are fun and pretty!


  • 1/2 onion thinly sliced
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • balsamic vinegar a few drops only!
  • dandelion leaves
  • butter leaf lettuce
  • nasturtium blossoms


  • Thinly slice the onion and drop in a salad bowl.
  • Drizzle 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil over the onions.
  • Drizzle a much smaller proportion  of vinegar over the mixture. (Just a few drops!)
  • Season with salt and pepper and muddle the onions in the mixture. A fork works but a pestle is even better.
  • The onions are ready when they get brown from the balsamic vinegar/ oil mixture. The secret here is letting the dressing sit… the longer it sits, the better it gets. Give it at least three minutes, but give it thirty minutes to an hour and you’ll thank yourself.
  • Toss in the lettuce and dandelion leaves and here’s where it’s a little different… KEEP tossing so the lettuce really soaks up the dressing. My Nonno would say “You gotta turrrrrn it” at least thirty two times. This can beat up the lettuce a bit but it’s worth it.  If you want the salad to look pretty for a party or plan to plate it for guests, you can serve the dressing on the side and tell your guests how they need to “turrrrrn it” themselves.  I’ve done this in the past and everyone raves about this simple little dressing.
  • Garnish with nasturtium blossoms when serving and enjoy!
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Playlists: Sad Singer Songwriter, LL Bayou, LL Electric Love Upbeat

Lauren Liess' Nasturtium Salad


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